Classe libmail

criado por Arthur Molina em 19/04/2010 1:31am
Uma classe que facilita e tornar o mail() mais poderoso.
Baseado no trabalho de Leo West (lwest@free.fr) e melhorado por mim.

include "libmail.php";

$m= new Mail; // create the mail
$m->From( Array ("John Smith", "john@smith.com" );
$m->To( "destination@somewhere.fr" );
$m->Subject( "the subject of the mail" );

$message= "Hello world!<br>\n<font color=red>this</font> is a test of the Mail class\nplease ignore\nThanks.";
$m->Body( $message); // set the body
$m->Cc( "someone@somewhere.fr");
$m->Bcc( "someoneelse@somewhere.fr");
$m->Priority(4) ; // set the priority to Low
$m->Attach( "/home/leo/toto.gif", "image/gif" ) ; // attach a file of type image/gif
$m->Send(); // send the mail
echo "the mail below has been sent:<br><pre>", $m->Get(), "</pre>";
Data Autor Changelog Download
19/04/2010 1:31am Arthur Molina Versão 1.4 Versão 1.4


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