pass Be'ware with the comma. The first item does not need a comma at its starting. */ $Users = array( // user => pass 'user' => 'pass' ,'user2' => 'pass2' ); /* The method used to encrypt the password. Edit only if you really know what you're doing. Available methods: 'md5' (APR1-MD5): base64 encoded, salted and 1000-times encoded MD5 'sha' (SHA1): base64 encoded SHA1 hash 'crypt' (not recommended): Unix Standard DES-based encryption */ $Method = "md5"; /* File name to save in. Default is .htpasswd You can use relative paths here. You can also write 'PHPOUT' if you want the result to be echoed. */ $Filename = ".htpasswd"; /* What to do if $Filename already exists? Available options: 'add' = will just append the new users to the file 'replace' = will replace the file contents */ $OnFileExists = 'add'; /* Will this script also generate the .htaccess needed file? */ $GenerateHtaccess = True; /* Where do you want it to be saved? */ $HtaccessFileName = ".htaccess"; /* What text will it show in the require password window? */ $AuthName = "Test"; /* Where will .htpasswd be on the server? Full path please. You can also use to get "genpwd.php" (this file) path. */ $AuthUserFile = '/.htpasswd'; echo 'done'; /**********************************************\ | YOU DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THE LINES BELOW | \**********************************************/ if(!$Enabled) die('not enabled'); switch($Method) { case "md5": savefile($Filename, gen_md5($Users), $OnFileExists); break; case "sha": savefile($Filename, gen_sha($Users), $OnFileExists); break; case "crypt": savefile($Filename, gen_crypt($Users), $OnFileExists); break; } if($GenerateHtaccess) { $AuthUserFile = str_replace("", dirname(__FILE__), $AuthUserFile); $content = 'AuthType Basic'."\n" .'AuthName "'.$AuthName.'"'."\n" .'AuthUserFile '.$AuthUserFile."\n" .'Require valid-user'; savefile($HtaccessFileName, $content, "add"); } function savefile($fname, $content, $ifexists) { if($ifexists=='add') { $mode = "a+"; if(file_exists($fname) AND @filesize($fname)) $content = "\n".$content; } else $mode = "w"; $handle = fopen($fname, $mode); fwrite($handle, $content); fclose($handle); } function gen_md5($usr) { $ret = array(); foreach($usr as $user=>$pass) { $ret[] = $user.":".crypt_apr1_md5($pass); } return implode("\n", $ret); } function gen_sha($usr) { $ret = array(); foreach($usr as $user=>$pass) { $ret[] = $user.":".base64_encode(sha1($pass)); } return implode("\n", $ret); } function gen_crypt($usr) { $ret = array(); foreach($usr as $user=>$pass) { $ret[] = $user.":".crypt($pass, base64_encode($pass)); } } function crypt_apr1_md5($plainpasswd) { // taken from $tmp = null; $salt = substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"), 0, 8); $len = strlen($plainpasswd); $text = $plainpasswd.'$apr1$'.$salt; $bin = pack("H32", md5($plainpasswd.$salt.$plainpasswd)); for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i -= 16) { $text .= substr($bin, 0, min(16, $i)); } for($i = $len; $i > 0; $i >>= 1) { $text .= ($i & 1) ? chr(0) : $plainpasswd{0}; } $bin = pack("H32", md5($text)); for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $new = ($i & 1) ? $plainpasswd : $bin; if ($i % 3) $new .= $salt; if ($i % 7) $new .= $plainpasswd; $new .= ($i & 1) ? $bin : $plainpasswd; $bin = pack("H32", md5($new)); } for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $k = $i + 6; $j = $i + 12; if ($j == 16) $j = 5; $tmp = $bin[$i].$bin[$k].$bin[$j].$tmp; } $tmp = chr(0).chr(0).$bin[11].$tmp; $tmp = strtr(strrev(substr(base64_encode($tmp), 2)), "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); return "$"."apr1"."$".$salt."$".$tmp; }