FTP Remoto de Servidor para Servidor
<?php /* From www.phpclasses.org ############################################################################################# Class: php_ftp_class Short description: Class that connects to a FTP server to work with files and directores. Supplied by: Name: Max V. Moiseenko <m.moiseenko at sys4tec dot com> Country: Russian Federation Home page: http://www.sys4tec.com/ License: Unspecified (ask the author) Groups: Networking Files and Directories ############################################################################################# Changes and little bugs solveds: Roberto Francisco - BobFrank rsfranc@yahoo.com.br 22/08/2003 - SP/Brasil Changelog: srv2srv($from,$to) - new - Remote Upload Server to Server function php_ftp_class - constructor class name changed dir_list() - changed rawlist_2_nlist($list) - new (added from php.net) $mode (FTP_BINARY || FTP_ASCII) - changed ############################################################################################# Class that connects to a FTP server to work with files and directores. It features: - connect to ftp server - change current working dir - create new empty file - create new dir - change access right to object - send SITE command - copy file - move and rename file or dirs - move uploaded file from TMP into CWD - delete file or empty directory - write into file ############################################################################################# Methods descriptions - BobFrank contribution. $FTP_HOST = "localhost"; $FTP_USER = "guest"; $FTP_PW = ""; $FTP_ROOT_DIR = "/public_html/"; $ftp = new php_ftp_class($FTP_USER,$FTP_PW,$FTP_HOST,$FTP_ROOT_DIR); $ftp->connect() # open connection [opt] supplied by constructor $ftp->close() # close connection $ftp->error($err_str="") # error message $ftp->cd($dir) # change current working dir $ftp->mk_file($name) # create new empty file $ftp->mk_dir($name) # create new dir $ftp->set_perm($obj,$num) # change access right to object $ftp->site($cmd) # send SITE command $ftp->copy($from,$to) # copy file $ftp->move($from,$to) # move object $ftp->move_uploaded_file($file_to_move,$file_name) # move uploaded file from TMP into CWD $ftp->rename($from,$to) # rename object $ftp->del($obj) # kill file or empty directory $ftp->write($dest,$FILEDATA) # write into file $ftp->get_perm($obj,$type='i') # return access right of an object, at various formats $ftp->dir_list() # print dir file list $ftp->rawlist_2_nlist($list) # rawlist to nlist $ftp->srv2srv($from,$to) # copy fopen(from) your server to ftp server ############################################################################################# */ class php_ftp_class{ var $user; var $pw; var $host; var $root_dir;//root ftp dir of server var $con_id;//descriptor on ftp connection var $cwd;//current working dir var $ERR=true;//must object display ftp errors //var $FTP_MODE="FTP_ASCII";// FTP_ASCII | FTP_BYNARY var $FTP_MODE="FTP_BINARY"; // FTP_ASCII | FTP_BINARY //constr. //function my_ftp($user="guest",$pw="guest",$host="localhost",$root=""){ function php_ftp_class($user="guest",$pw="guest",$host="localhost",$root=""){ $this->host=$host; $this->user=$user; $this->pw=$pw; $this->root_dir=$root; if($this->connect()){ //$this->cwd=ftp_pwd($this->con_id); $this->cd($this->root_dir); } } //connect to ftp server function connect(){ if($this->con_id=ftp_connect($this->host)){ if(ftp_login($this->con_id,$this->user,$this->pw))return true; else $this->error("User "".$this->user."" cannot login to host "".$this->host."""); }else $this->error("Connection with host "".$this->host."" not create!"); return false; } //close ftp connection function close(){ ftp_quit($this->con_id); } //print error messages function error($err_str=""){ if($this->ERR)echo "[".$err_str."]<br>\n"; } //change current working dir function cd($dir){ if(!@ftp_chdir($this->con_id,$dir)){ $this->error("Cannot view directory "".$this->root_dir."/".$dir.""!"); return false; } $this->cwd=@ftp_pwd($this->con_id); return true; } //create new empty file function mk_file($name){ $this->FTP_MODE=="FTP_BINARY" ? $mode=FTP_BINARY : $mode=FTP_ASCII; if(file_exists($this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$name)){ $this->error("File "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$name."" already exists!"); return false; }else{ if(!$tmpfile=tempnam("/tmp","phpftptmp")){ $this->error("Can't create temp file?"); return false; }elseif(!ftp_put($this->con_id,$name,$tmpfile,$mode)){ $this->error("Can't create file "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$name."""); unlink($tmpfile); return false; } } unlink($tmpfile); return true; } //create new dir function mk_dir($name){ if(file_exists($this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$name)){ $this->error("Directory "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$name."" already exists!"); return false; }elseif(!ftp_mkdir($this->con_id,$name)){ $this->error("Cannot create directory "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$name."""); return false; } return true; } //change access right to object function set_perm($obj,$num){ //CHMOD 444 ftp.php3 if(!$this->site("CHMOD ".$num." ".$obj)){ $this->error("Cannot change permitions of object "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$obj."""); return false; } return true; } //send SITE command function site($cmd){ if(!ftp_site($this->con_id, $cmd)){ $this->error("Cannot send site command "".$cmd."""); return false; } return true; } //copy file function copy($from,$to){ $this->FTP_MODE=="FTP_BINARY" ? $mode=FTP_BINARY : $mode=FTP_ASCII; if(file_exists($this->root_dir."/".$to)){ $this->error("Object "".$this->root_dir."/".$to."" already exists!"); return false; } srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $tmpfile=dirname(tempnam('',''))."/phpftptmp.".rand(); if(!copy($this->root_dir."/".$from,$tmpfile)){ $this->error("Can't create temp file?"); return false; }elseif(!ftp_put($this->con_id,$to,$tmpfile,$mode)){ $this->error("File "".$this->root_dir."/".$from."" can not copied to "".$this->root_dir."/".$to.""!"); return false; } return true; } //move object function move($from,$to){ if(file_exists($this->root_dir."/".$to)){ $this->error("Object "".$this->root_dir."/".$to."" already exists!"); return false; } if(!ftp_rename($this->con_id,$from,$to)){ $this->error("Cannot move object "".$this->root_dir."/".$from."" to "".$this->root_dir."/".$to."""); return false; } return true; } //rename object function rename($from,$to){ if(file_exists($this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$to)){ $this->error("Object "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$to."" already exists!"); return false; }elseif(!ftp_rename($this->con_id,$from,$to)){ $this->error("Cannot rename object "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$to."""); return false; } return true; } //kill file or empty directory function del($obj){ if(is_dir($this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$obj)){ if(!ftp_rmdir($this->con_id, $obj)){ $this->error("Cannot delete directory "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$obj."""); return false; } }elseif(is_file($this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$obj)){ if(!ftp_delete($this->con_id, $obj)){ $this->error("Cannot delete file "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$obj."""); return false; } }else{ $this->error("Removing object "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$obj."" canceled!"); return false; } return true; } //write into file function write($dest,$FILEDATA){ if(!WIN){ $old_perm=$this->get_perm($dest,'i'); $this->set_perm($dest,"666"); } $fd=fopen($this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$dest,"w"); if(!fwrite($fd,$FILEDATA)){ $this->error("Cannot write file "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$dest."""); fclose($fd); if(!WIN)$this->set_perm($dest,"644"); return false; } fclose($fd); if(!WIN)$this->set_perm($dest,"644"); return true; } //move uploaded file from TMP into CWD function move_uploaded_file($file_to_move,$file_name){ $this->FTP_MODE=="FTP_BINARY" ? $mode=FTP_BINARY : $mode=FTP_ASCII; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); if(!$tmp_dir=get_cfg_var('upload_tmp_dir'))$tmp_dir=dirname(tempnam('','')); $tmpfile=$tmp_dir."/phpftptmp.".rand(); if(!copy($file_to_move,$tmpfile)){ $this->error("Can't create temp file?"); unlink($file_to_move); return false; }elseif(!ftp_put($this->con_id,$this->cwd."/".$file_name,$tmpfile,$mode)){ $this->error("Can't write file "".$this->root_dir."/".$this->cwd."/".$file_name."""); unlink($file_to_move); unlink($tmpfile); return false; } unlink($file_to_move); unlink($tmpfile); return true; } //return access right of an object, at various formats function get_perm($obj,$type='i'){ $num=fileperms($obj); $s=array(07=>'rwx',06=>'rw-',05=>'r-x',04=>'r--',03=>'-wx',02=>'-w-',01=>'--x',00=>'---'); $i=array(07=>'7',06=>'6',05=>'5',04=>'4',03=>'3',02=>'2',01=>'1',00=>'0'); $b=array( 07=>array(1,1,1), 06=>array(1,1,0), 05=>array(1,0,1), 04=>array(1,0,0), 03=>array(0,1,1), 02=>array(0,1,0), 01=>array(0,0,1), 00=>array(0,0,0) ); switch($type){ case 'b': $ret['o']=$b[($num & 0700)>>6]; $ret['g']=$b[($num & 070)>>3]; $ret['a']=$b[($num & 07) ]; break; case 's': if($num & 0x1000) $ret ='p';//FIFO pipe elseif($num & 0x2000) $ret.='c';//Character special elseif($num & 0x4000) $ret.='d';//Directory elseif($num & 0x6000) $ret.='b';//Block special elseif($num & 0x8000) $ret.='-';//Regular elseif($num & 0xA000) $ret.='l';//Symbolic Link elseif($num & 0xC000) $ret.='s';//Socket else $str.='?'; //UNKNOWN $ret.=$s[($num & 0700)>>6]; $ret.=$s[($num & 070)>>3]; $ret.=$s[($num & 07) ]; break; case 'i': $ret =$i[($num & 0700)>>6]; $ret.=$i[($num & 070)>>3]; $ret.=$i[($num & 07) ]; break; } return $ret; } //print dir file list function dir_list(){ //ftp_nlist — Returns a list of files in the given directory. //ftp_rawlist — Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory. ?><table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr><td>Directories</td><td>Files</td></tr><? // $contents=ftp_nlist($this->con_id, $this->cwd); $contents = ftp_rawlist($this->con_id, $this->cwd); $contents = $this->rawlist_2_nlist($contents); $d_i=0; $f_i=0; sort($contents); for($i=0;$i<count($contents);$i++){ $file_size=ftp_size($this->con_id,$contents[$i]); if(is_dir($this->root_dir.$contents[$i])){ $nlist_dirs[$d_i]=$contents[$i]; $d_i=$d_i+1; } else{ $nlist_files[$f_i]=$contents[$i]; $nlist_filesize[$f_i]=$file_size; $f_i=$f_i+1; } } ?><tr><td><pre><? if(isset($nlist_dirs)){ for($i=0;$i<count($nlist_dirs);$i++)echo $nlist_dirs[$i]."<br>"; } ?></td><td><pre><? if(isset($nlist_files)){ for($i=0;$i<count($nlist_files);$i++){ echo $nlist_files[$i] ." - ".(int)$nlist_filesize[$i] ."<br>"; } } ?></td></tr></table><? } //rawlist to nlist - rawlist $list function rawlist_2_nlist($list){ $newlist = array(); @reset($list); while (list(,$row) = @each($list)) { $index = strrpos($row, " "); $newlist[] = substr($row, $index+1); } return $newlist; } //upload file from server to server (BobFrank) function srv2srv($from,$to){ $from_fp = fopen($from,"r"); if(!$from_fp){ return false; } $this->FTP_MODE=="FTP_BINARY" ? $mode=FTP_BINARY : $mode=FTP_ASCII; if(!@ftp_fput($this->con_id, $to, $from_fp, $mode)){ $this->error("Cannot send file"".$from." -> ".$to."""); return false; } return true; } }//end class ?>
Para a versão mais atualizada dessa classe, por favor procure no site http://phpclasses.org

Qual a linha que eu devo colocar no .php para que ele execute os comandos e onde eu configuro as infos como path de envio?
12/09/2004 7:32am
(~20 anos atrás)
esta é a variavel de cotação
bom desenvolvi um novo script muito impotate para conexao FTP segura no PHP 4.0 qualquer duvida de mande um e-mail...
$transfer ()input_combox
$tester tk&¨*
"aqui usuario FTP" = ftp.seudominio.com "pega" $ftp
senha!" aqui a senha "suasenhaaqui" $senha
dir copy
file protocol
esta é a variavel de cotação
bom desenvolvi um novo script muito impotate para conexao FTP segura no PHP 4.0 qualquer duvida de mande um e-mail...
$transfer ()input_combox
$tester tk&¨*
"aqui usuario FTP" = ftp.seudominio.com "pega" $ftp
senha!" aqui a senha "suasenhaaqui" $senha
dir copy
file protocol
26/11/2003 12:38pm
(~21 anos atrás)
Exelente artigo...
esse código pode ajudar e muito na vida de um progamador quando quer mudar de servidor...
esse código pode ajudar e muito na vida de um progamador quando quer mudar de servidor...
03/09/2003 6:13pm
(~21 anos atrás)
Olá Marco,
A variavel $files vem da transformação do array f[] na função:
foreach ($f as $files)
Quanto a sua necessidade, passo um exemplo retirado da php.net que mostra como fazer:
kiwo1 at yahoo dot com
28-Aug-2002 12:05
If you wanna upload files from your harddisk by a form to a specified ftp this sample can help you...
First of all create the form:
<body marginwidth=4 marginheight=4 topmargin=4 leftmargin=4 bgcolor=white vlink="#0000ff" link="#0000ff">
<form name="Attachments" method=POST action="sendimage.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type=hidden name=box value="">
<td nowrap width="1%"> Image:</td>
<td colspan=2>
<input type=file name=source_file size=20> <br>
<input type=submit name=btnSubmit value=Submit size=20 style="border: 1px solid #0000FF"></form>
The critical point in this form is the usage of enctype="multipart/form-data"
If you don't use this part your upload operations won't work.
Then u must create sendimage.php as follows:
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $user, $passwd);
// check connection
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
echo "FTP connection has failed!";
echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $ftp_user_name";
} else {
echo "<br>Connected to $ftp_server, for user $user<br>";
//directorylike /www.velibaba.com/images
ftp_chdir($conn_id, "www.velibab.com");
ftp_chdir($conn_id, "compimages");
echo ("<br>");
print $destination_file;
echo ("<br>");
// upload the file
$upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $source_file, FTP_BINARY);
// check upload status
if (!$upload) {
echo "FTP upload has failed!";
} else {
echo "Uploaded $source_file to $ftp_server as $destination_file";
// close the FTP stream
In this example code $source_file is the path of the file in your disk, and destination file is the name of the uploaded file in ftpserver.
In this code I use ftp_chdir to give the path of the
uploaded file within ftpserver..
For your questions about all categories of PHP my email:kiwo1@yahoo.com
c u...
Espero ter ajudado,
A variavel $files vem da transformação do array f[] na função:
foreach ($f as $files)
Quanto a sua necessidade, passo um exemplo retirado da php.net que mostra como fazer:
kiwo1 at yahoo dot com
28-Aug-2002 12:05
If you wanna upload files from your harddisk by a form to a specified ftp this sample can help you...
First of all create the form:
<body marginwidth=4 marginheight=4 topmargin=4 leftmargin=4 bgcolor=white vlink="#0000ff" link="#0000ff">
<form name="Attachments" method=POST action="sendimage.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type=hidden name=box value="">
<td nowrap width="1%"> Image:</td>
<td colspan=2>
<input type=file name=source_file size=20> <br>
<input type=submit name=btnSubmit value=Submit size=20 style="border: 1px solid #0000FF"></form>
The critical point in this form is the usage of enctype="multipart/form-data"
If you don't use this part your upload operations won't work.
Then u must create sendimage.php as follows:
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $user, $passwd);
// check connection
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
echo "FTP connection has failed!";
echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $ftp_user_name";
} else {
echo "<br>Connected to $ftp_server, for user $user<br>";
//directorylike /www.velibaba.com/images
ftp_chdir($conn_id, "www.velibab.com");
ftp_chdir($conn_id, "compimages");
echo ("<br>");
print $destination_file;
echo ("<br>");
// upload the file
$upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $source_file, FTP_BINARY);
// check upload status
if (!$upload) {
echo "FTP upload has failed!";
} else {
echo "Uploaded $source_file to $ftp_server as $destination_file";
// close the FTP stream
In this example code $source_file is the path of the file in your disk, and destination file is the name of the uploaded file in ftpserver.
In this code I use ftp_chdir to give the path of the
uploaded file within ftpserver..
For your questions about all categories of PHP my email:kiwo1@yahoo.com
c u...
Espero ter ajudado,
03/09/2003 5:40pm
(~21 anos atrás)
Da onde vem o valor da variavel $files?
Nao seria $file?
if ($ftp->srv2srv($LOCAL_SERVER_DIR . $files, $files)) {
Estou perguntando isso porque estou fazendo um script que envia arquivos via FTP, user2server e vi que a funcao para upload
ftp_put($conn_id, "$arqServidor", "$arqLocal", FTP_ASCII);
Precisa do arquivo de origem e o de destino.
Como faco para colocar somente um campo no formulario de envio (o arquivo de origem) ?
origem: D:\Imagens\vasco.jpg
destino: vasco.jpg
Eu teria q manipular a string $arqServidor?
Marco Modesto.
Nao seria $file?
if ($ftp->srv2srv($LOCAL_SERVER_DIR . $files, $files)) {
Estou perguntando isso porque estou fazendo um script que envia arquivos via FTP, user2server e vi que a funcao para upload
ftp_put($conn_id, "$arqServidor", "$arqLocal", FTP_ASCII);
Precisa do arquivo de origem e o de destino.
Como faco para colocar somente um campo no formulario de envio (o arquivo de origem) ?
origem: D:\Imagens\vasco.jpg
destino: vasco.jpg
Eu teria q manipular a string $arqServidor?
Marco Modesto.
03/09/2003 11:58am
(~21 anos atrás)
Obrigado Alessander,
Desejei colocar a alteração lá, mas deveria preencher formulários e tal que enviei um e-mail para o Max V. Moiseenko o criador da classe.
Então, coloquei minha contribuição na php.net em http://br2.php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-fput.php
Desejei colocar a alteração lá, mas deveria preencher formulários e tal que enviei um e-mail para o Max V. Moiseenko o criador da classe.
Então, coloquei minha contribuição na php.net em http://br2.php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-fput.php
26/08/2003 7:17am
(~21 anos atrás)
Parabéns pelo artigo, nunca pensei na possibilidade de fazer tal operação e pelo que li é muito simples.
Você colocou no phpclasses a modificação que você fez? Seria muito interessante.
Obrigado, Alessander
Você colocou no phpclasses a modificação que você fez? Seria muito interessante.
Obrigado, Alessander
26/08/2003 3:48am
(~21 anos atrás)