numrowsperpage = 3; $sql = "SELECT * FROM links "; $result = $nav->execute($sql, $db, "mysql"); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); for ($y = 0; $y < $rows; $y++) { $data = mysql_fetch_object($result); echo $data->url . "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; $links = $nav->getlinks("all", "on"); for ($y = 0; $y < count($links); $y++) { echo $links[$y] . "  "; } */ class navbar { // Default values for the navigation link bar var $numrowsperpage = 10; var $str_previous = "Previous page"; var $str_next = "Next page"; // Variables used internally var $file; var $total_records; var $row; // Class constructor. This is only used to set // the current row number so the other methods // can re-use it later on. function navbar() { global $row; $this->row = $row ? $row : 0; } // The next method runs the needed queries. // It needs to run the first time to get the total // number of rows returned, and the second one to // get the limited number of rows. // // $sql parameter : // . the actual SQL query to be performed // // $db parameter : // . the database connection link // // $type parameter : // . "mysql" - uses mysql php functions // . "pgsql" - uses pgsql php functions function execute($sql, $db, $speed = "optimized", $type = "mysql") { $start = $this->row * $this->numrowsperpage; if ($speed == "optimized") { $total_sql = preg_replace("/SELECT (.*?) FROM /sei", "'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '", $sql); } else { $total_sql = $sql; } if ($type == "mysql") { $result = mysql_query($total_sql, $db); $this->total_records = mysql_result($result, 0, 0); $sql .= " LIMIT $start, $this->numrowsperpage"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $db); } elseif ($type == "pgsql") { $result = pg_Exec($db, $total_sql); $this->total_records = pg_Result($result, 0, 0); $sql .= " LIMIT $this->numrowsperpage, $start"; $result = pg_Exec($db, $sql); } return $result; } // This method creates a string that is going to be // added to the url string for the navigation links. // This is specially important to have dynamic links, // so if you want to add extra options to the queries, // the class is going to add it to the navigation links // dynamically. function build_geturl() { global $REQUEST_URI, $REQUEST_METHOD, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; list($this->file, $voided) = explode("?", $REQUEST_URI); //$cgi = $REQUEST_METHOD == 'GET' ? $HTTP_GET_VARS : $HTTP_POST_VARS; $cgi = $HTTP_GET_VARS; reset ($cgi); while (list($key, $value) = each($cgi)) { if ($key != "row") $query_string .= "&" . $key . "=" . $value; } return $query_string; } // This method creates an array of all the links for the // navigation bar. This is useful since it is completely // independent from the layout or design of the page. // The method returns the array of navigation links to the // caller php script, so it can build the layout with the // navigation links content available. // // $option parameter (default to "all") : // . "all" - return every navigation link // . "pages" - return only the page numbering links // . "sides" - return only the 'Next' and / or 'Previous' links // // $show_blank parameter (default to "off") : // . "off" - don't show the "Next" or "Previous" when it is not needed // . "on" - show the "Next" or "Previous" strings as plain text when it is not needed function getlinks($option = "all", $show_blank = "off") { $extra_vars = $this->build_geturl(); $file = $this->file; $number_of_pages = ceil($this->total_records / $this->numrowsperpage); $subscript = 0; for ($current = 0; $current < $number_of_pages; $current++) { if ((($option == "all") || ($option == "sides")) && ($current == 0)) { if ($this->row != 0) $array[0] = '' . $this->str_previous . ''; elseif (($this->row == 0) && ($show_blank == "on")) $array[0] = $this->str_previous; } if (($option == "all") || ($option == "pages")) { if ($this->row == $current) $array[++$subscript] = ($current > 0 ? ($current + 1) : 1); else $array[++$subscript] = '' . ($current + 1) . ''; } if ((($option == "all") || ($option == "sides")) && ($current == ($number_of_pages - 1))) { if ($this->row != ($number_of_pages - 1)) $array[++$subscript] = '' . $this->str_next . ''; elseif (($this->row == ($number_of_pages - 1)) && ($show_blank == "on")) $array[++$subscript] = $this->str_next; } } return $array; } } ?>