#ARQUIVO 1- strings.php lowercase($p); } function uppercase($p) { return preg_replace(\"/([à-ý]|[a-z])/e\",\"chr(ord(\'\\\\1\')-32)\", $p); } function strtoupper($p) { return $this->uppercase($p); } function ucfirst($p) { return preg_replace(\"/^([à-ý]|[a-z]){1,1}/e\",\"chr(ord(\'\\\\1\')-32)\", $p); } function lcfirst($p) { return preg_replace(\"/^([À-Ý]|[A-Z]){1,1}/e\",\"chr(ord(\'\\\\1\')+32)\", $p); } function ucwords($p) { $c = explode(\" \", $p); if ($c) { $d = array(); while (list($a,$b) = each($c)) { array_push($d,preg_replace(\"/^([à-ý]|[a-z]){1,1}/e\",\"chr(ord(\'\\\\1\')-32)\", $b)); } return join(\" \", $d); } } function lcwords($p) { $c = explode(\" \", $p); if ($c) { $d = array(); while (list($a,$b) = each($c)) { array_push($d,preg_replace(\"/^([À-Ý]|[A-Z]){1,1}/e\",\"chr(ord(\'\\\\1\')+32)\", $b)); } return join(\" \", $d); } } function normal($p) { $ts = array(\"/[À-Å]/\",\"/Æ/\",\"/Ç/\",\"/[È-Ë]/\",\"/[Ì-Ï]/\",\"/Ð/\",\"/Ñ/\",\"/[Ò-ÖØ]/\",\"/×/\",\"/[Ù-Ü]/\",\"/[Ý-ß]/\",\"/[à-å]/\",\"/æ/\",\"/ç/\",\"/[è-ë]/\",\"/[ì-ï]/\",\"/ð/\",\"/ñ/\",\"/[ò-öø]/\",\"/÷/\",\"/[ù-ü]/\",\"/[ý-ÿ]/\"); $tn = array(\"A\",\"AE\",\"C\",\"E\",\"I\",\"D\",\"N\",\"O\",\"X\",\"U\",\"Y\",\"a\",\"ae\",\"c\",\"e\",\"i\",\"d\",\"n\",\"o\",\"x\",\"u\",\"y\"); return preg_replace($ts,$tn, $p); } function remove($p,$c) { return preg_replace(\"/$c/\",\"\", $p); } function chomp($p) { return preg_replace(\"/[\\n\\r]/\",\"\", $p); } function php_quote($text,$a=1,$b=1,$c=0,$d=0) { if ($a) {$text = preg_replace(\"/\\<\\?(php)/i\",\" #ARQUIVO 2 - Samples: Samples of the strings class
ucwords(\'éi this ìs a rulex teséeeeeee é!
\'); print $strings->lcwords(\'ÉI THIS ÌS A RULEX TESÉEEEEEE É!
\'); print $strings->normal(\'ÉI THIS ÌS A RULEX TESÉEEEEEE É!
\'); print $strings->normal(\"faço áeéíàÒ
\"); ?> #ARQUIVO 3 - Manual MANUAL OF class strings >> Please, if you see an english error in this manual send a email to berto@que.com.br. I\'m sorry but I have little experience to write in english. >> If you want help me to write a PHP class that format strings like unix fmt and justify it, send-me a email! >> Some of my portuguese sites: > http://www.que.com.br/php - Cronicas do PHP artigos escritos por mim sobre php que sao enviados periodicamente por email alem do seu arquivo de dicas. > http://www.que.com.br/perl - Cronicas do PERL versao para PERL do Cronicas do PHP >> Thanks to download my class! CLASS: strings This class is a expansion to the original PHP string funcions. All functions was make to use special characters (192-223 and 224-255 in ascii table). ALIASES: $class->strtoupper = $class->uppercase $class->strtolower = $class->lowercase FUNCTIONS: All functions above knows how convert a special char to their upper/lower case, like covert a to Á or È to è. * uppercase - make a string uppercase string $class->uppercase(string string); use like strtoupper PHP function * lowercase - make a string lowercase string $class->lowercase(string string); use like strtolower PHP function * ucfirst - make a string\'s first character uppercase string $class->ucfirst(string string); use like ucfirst PHP function * lcfirst - make a string\'s first character lowercase string $class->lcfirst(string string); use like ucfirst PHP function * lcfirst - make a string\'s first character lowercase string $class->lcfirst(string string); use like lcfirst PHP function * ucwords - uppercase the first character of each word in a string string $class->ucwords(string string); use like ucwords PHP function * lcwords - lowercase the first character of each word in a string string $class->lcwords(string string); use like lcwords PHP function * normal - converts each special character (áéíÁÈÒÖ) to their normal character (aeiAEOO) string $class->normal(string string); Example: normal(\"faço áeéíàÒ\"); # will output: faco aeeiaO ?> * remove - remove a string from an other string $class->remove(string string,string to remove); Example: remove($remove,\"\\r\"); $remove = $strings->remove($remove,\"\\n\"); # will output: removing the carriege return and the line break ?> * chomp - remove the \\r and the \\n from a string string $class->chomp(string string); Example: remove($remove); # will output: removing the carriege return and the line break ?> * php_quote - remove the PHP open strings string $class->php_quote(string string,bool and/or <% from a string. You can choice what remove. The default is remove tags If php_quote(\' isn\'t cool AND <% isn\'t cool too! \',0,1,0,1); ?> * file_ext - return the extension of a filename string $class->file_ext(string string); Return only the extension of a filename. Example: file_ext(\"lilo.conf\"); # will output: conf ?> * file_noext - return the filename without its extension string $class->file_noext(string string); Return only the name of a filename widthout \".extension\" Example: file_noext(\"lilo.conf\"); # will output: lilo ?> * stripdouble - return a string with no double // string $class->stripdouble(string string); This function is util to work with filepaths. It remove the double // but no replace // to / in http:// and ftp:// Example: stripdouble(\"http://localhost?file=/home/me//dir///algo\"); # will output: http://localhost?file=/home/me/dir/algo ?> last modify 01/12/2000 17:17 by Roberto Berto (berto@que.com.br)