'; $name_from = $_POST['name_from']; $email_from = $_POST['email_from']; $name_to = $_POST['name_to']; $email_to = $_POST['email_to']; $msg = nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['msg'])); $n_friends = count($name_to); $error = 0; if ( empty($name_from) ) { echo " - Full your name
"; $error ++; } if ( empty($email_from) ) { echo " - Full your email
"; $error ++; } if ( !email($email_from)) { echo " - Full correctly your email
"; $error ++; } if ( ($n_friends == 1) and (empty($email_to[0])) ) { echo " - Full your friends
"; $error ++;} if ( $error != 0 ) { echo ' - Go back'; } else { echo 'Thank\'s '.$name_from.' to invite your friends to vistit our website.

'; $subject = 'Indication'; $from = ''.$name_from.'< '.$email_from.' >'; for($i=0;$i<$n_friends;$i++){ $x = $i + 1; if ((empty($name_to[$i])) or (empty($email_to[$i]))) { $this_mail = 'Don\'t send'; $this_status = 0; } else { $this_mail = 'Email sended correctly'; $this_status = 1;} if (!email($email_to[$i])) { $this_mail = 'Don\'t send'; } echo "$x - $name_to[$i] - $this_mail
"; if ($this_status == 0 ) { } else { $email = $email_to[$i]; $msg_email = "Hello $name_to[$i], your friend $name_from send you a invite to visit our website and write this:


www.eletronicparty.com"; @ mail ($email, $subject, $msg_email, "From: $from\nContent-type:text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1;MULTIPART/related"); } } // close for } // close else send email echo '

'; } // close if status==result ?>
Write in this box a message to your friend(s).
Put down your friends ! Click in plus to add more a friend .
Name Email