- Enhanced upload feature. - RSS support (simplified XML). - Option to use sessions or cookies to login. - Enhanced headlines: - Choose if the link goes directly to fullstory or not. - There can be more headlines then newsitems shown, in this case the headline link is automaticly directed to the fullstory. - Show shortnews in fulstory template. - {fullstory} tag in comments template now shows the fullstory news instead of the link. - {news} has been split into {shortnews} and {fullnews} in news and archive template. - Post per day {date} is now formatted as "Thursday, April 24 2003". (You can translate the months in your language.db file) - Some user statistics added on welcome screen (just to show some more plugin power :) ) - Enhanced installer script. - When editing news you can now edit your icon too. - Also you can now edit the date/time :) - FULL php/ssi support in headers/footers and templates. - Added an extensive readme file to the zipfile. - Support added for most FREE hosting sites. - Change your own profile. - Fixed most addressed bugs.