-------------------------------------- * PHP MSSQL Query Analyzer changelog * -------------------------------------- - alpha-0.31 2009 apr 09 - now empty strings are not appended to file php-query-analyzer-tables-used-in-selects 2009 apr 09 - no error when query did not return rows, on inserts or updates for example - alpha-0.32 2009 jun 15 - connected host display now available 2009 jun 15 - likely hello message 2009 jun 15 - empty or null rows list error fixed - alpha-0.33 2009 sep 23 - some data doesn't appear some cases repeated fields - alpha-0.4 2009 sep - opensource layout search, layout rebuild 2009 oct - code complete rewrite 2009 oct - db configuration page 2009 oct - author and contact page 2009 oct 14 - background query and return --------------------------------------