
Usando cache na classe Fast Template

criado por Allyson F. de Paula Reis em 02/11/2003 12:36am
Você pode fazer o download aqui:

<a href='http://www.phpbrasil.com/scripts/script.php/id/1241'>Fast Template CVS revision 1.2.0</a>

Ou simplesmente copiar o código abaixo:

CVS Revision. 1.1.0 - Default Fast Template

CVS Revision. 1.2.0 - Cache functions added

Author: Allyson Francisco de Paula Reis
E-mail: ragen@oquerola.com

class FastTemplate {

    var $FILELIST = array(); // Holds the array of filehandles
                             // FILELIST[HANDLE] == "fileName"

    var $DYNAMIC = array(); // Holds the array of dynamic
                            // blocks, and the fileHandles they live in.

    var $PARSEVARS   =   array(); // Holds the array of Variable handles.
                                 // PARSEVARS[HANDLE] == "value"

    var $LOADED = array(); // We only want to load a template once - when it's used.
                           // LOADED[FILEHANDLE] == 1 if loaded
                           // undefined if not loaded yet.

    var $HANDLE = array(); // Holds the handle names assigned by a call to parse()

    var $ROOT = ""; // Holds path-to-templates

    var $WIN32 = false; // Set to true if this is a WIN32 server

    var $ERROR = ""; // Holds the last error message

    var $LAST = ""; // Holds the HANDLE to the last template parsed by parse()

    var $STRICT = true; // Strict template checking.
                        // Unresolved vars in templates will
                        // generate a warning when found.

    var $USE_CACHE = false; // Enable caching mode. 
                            // Default: false

    var $UPDT_TIME = '60'; // Time in seconds to expire cache files
    var $CACHE_PATH = './cache'; // Dir for save cached files 

    var $CACHING = false; //  Control variable of cache. It 
                          //  prevents the return of an archive
                          //  in cache while they are generated
                          //  (To prevent pages with "corrupted"
                          //  return) 

//   ************************************************************

    function FastTemplate ($pathToTemplates = "")
        global $php_errormsg;

        if (!empty($pathToTemplates)) {
    }   // end (new) FastTemplate ()

//   ************************************************************
//   All templates will be loaded from this "root" directory
//   Can be changed in mid-process by re-calling with a new
//   value.

    function set_root ($root)
      $trailer = substr($root,-1);

      if (!$this->WIN32) {
          if ( (ord($trailer)) != 47 ) {
              $root = "$root". chr(47);

          if (is_dir($root)) {
              $this->ROOT = $root;
          } else {
              $this->ROOT = "";
              $this->error("Specified ROOT dir [$root] is not a directory");
      } else {
          // WIN32 box - no testing
          if ( (ord($trailer)) != 92 ) {
              $root = "$root" . chr(92);
          $this->ROOT = $root;

    } // End set_root()

//  **************************************************************
//  Calculates current microtime
//  I throw this into all my classes for benchmarking purposes
//  It's not used by anything in this class and can be removed
//  if you don't need it.

    function utime ()
        $time = explode( " ", microtime());
        $usec = (double)$time[0];
        $sec = (double)$time[1];
        return $sec + $usec;

//  **************************************************************
//  Strict template checking, if true sends warnings to STDOUT when
//  parsing a template with undefined variable references
//  Used for tracking down bugs-n-such. Use no_strict() to disable.

    function strict ()
        $this->STRICT = true;

//  ************************************************************
//  Silently discards (removes) undefined variable references
//  found in templates

    function no_strict ()
        $this->STRICT = false;

//  ************************************************************
//  A quick check of the template file before reading it.
//  This is -not- a reliable check, mostly due to inconsistencies
//  in the way PHP determines if a file is readable.

    function is_safe ($filename)
        if (!file_exists($filename)) {
            $this->error("[$filename] does not exist",0);
            return false;
        return true;

//  ************************************************************
//  Grabs a template from the root dir and 
//  reads it into a (potentially REALLY) big string

    function get_template ($template)
        if (empty($this->ROOT)) {
            $this->error("Cannot open template. Root not valid.",1);
            return false;

        $filename   =   "$this->ROOT"."$template";

        $contents = implode("",(@file($filename)));
        if ( (!$contents) or (empty($contents)) ) {
            $this->error("get_template() failure: [$filename] $php_errormsg",1);

        return $contents;

    } // end get_template

//  ************************************************************
//  Prints the warnings for unresolved variable references
//  in template files. Used if STRICT is true

    function show_unknowns ($Line)
        $unknown = array();
        if (ereg("({[A-Z0-9_]+})",$Line,$unknown)) {
            $UnkVar = $unknown[1];
            if (!(empty($UnkVar))) {
                @error_log("[FastTemplate] Warning: no value found for variable: $UnkVar ",0);
    } // end show_unknowns()

//  ************************************************************
//  This routine get's called by parse() and does the actual
//  {VAR} to VALUE conversion within the template.

    function parse_template ($template, $tpl_array)
        while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($tpl_array) ) {
            if (!(empty($key))) {
                if (gettype($val) != "string") {

                $template = ereg_replace("{$key}","$val","$template");
                // $template = str_replace("{$key}","$val","$template");

        if (!$this->STRICT) {
            // Silently remove anything not already found

            $template = ereg_replace("{([A-Z0-9_]+)}","",$template);
        } else {
            // Warn about unresolved template variables
            if (ereg("({[A-Z0-9_]+})",$template)) {
                $unknown = split("\n",$template);
                while (list ($Element,$Line) = each($unknown) ) {
                    $UnkVar = $Line;
                    if (!(empty($UnkVar))) {
        return $template;

    } // end parse_template();

//  ************************************************************
//  The meat of the whole class. The magic happens here.

    function parse ( $ReturnVar, $FileTags )
        $append = false;
        $this->LAST = $ReturnVar;
        $this->HANDLE[$ReturnVar] = 1;

        if (gettype($FileTags) == "array") {
            unset($this->$ReturnVar);   // Clear any previous data

            while ( list ( $key , $val ) = each ( $FileTags ) ) {
                if ( (!isset($this->$val)) || (empty($this->$val)) ) {
                    $this->LOADED["$val"] = 1;
                    if (isset($this->DYNAMIC["$val"])) {
                    } else {
                        $fileName = $this->FILELIST["$val"];
                        $this->$val = $this->get_template($fileName);

                // Array context implies overwrite
                $this->$ReturnVar = $this->parse_template($this->$val,$this->PARSEVARS);

                // For recursive calls.
                $this->assign( array( $ReturnVar => $this->$ReturnVar ) );

        } else {
            // FileTags is not an array
            $val = $FileTags;

            if ( (substr($val,0,1)) == '.' ) {
                // Append this template to a previous ReturnVar
                $append = true;
                $val = substr($val,1);

            if ( (!isset($this->$val)) || (empty($this->$val)) ) {
                $this->LOADED["$val"] = 1;
                if (isset($this->DYNAMIC["$val"])) {
                } else {
                    $fileName = $this->FILELIST["$val"];
                    $this->$val = $this->get_template($fileName);

            if ($append) {
                $this->$ReturnVar .= $this->parse_template($this->$val,$this->PARSEVARS);
            } else {
                $this->$ReturnVar = $this->parse_template($this->$val,$this->PARSEVARS);

            // For recursive calls.
            $this->assign(array( $ReturnVar => $this->$ReturnVar) );

    } // End parse()

//  ************************************************************
//  Cache in CVS revision 1.2.0 by ragen@oquerola.com

    function FastPrint ( $template = "" )
        if (empty($template)) {
            $template = $this->LAST;

        if ( (!(isset($this->$template))) || (empty($this->$template)) ) {
            $this->error("Nothing parsed, nothing printed",0);
        } elseif ($this->USE_CACHE) {
        } else {
            print $this->$template;

//  ************************************************************
//  Try to use cached files. Duh! - ragen@oquerola.com

    function USE_CACHE () 
        $this->USE_CACHE = true;

//  ************************************************************
//  Verify if cache files are updated (in function of $UPDT_TIME)
//  then return cached page and exit - ragen@oquerola.com

    function verify_cached_files () 
        if (($this->USE_CACHE) && ($this->cache_file_is_updated())) {
            // self_script() - return script as called Fast Template class

            require $this->self_script();
            // echo "<script>alert('Usando cache')</script>";

//  ************************************************************
//  Return script as called Fast Template class 
//  by ragen@oquerola.com

    function self_script () 
        $fname = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');
        $fname = $this->cache_path($fname);

        return $fname;

//  ************************************************************
//  Return the real path for write cache files 
//  by ragen@oquerola.com

    function cache_path ( $fname )
        $fname = explode("/",$fname);
        $fname = $fname[count($fname) - 1];
        return $this->CACHE_PATH."/".$fname;

//  *************************************************************
//  Return the script as called Fast Template in cache dir
//  by ragen@oquerola.com

    function self_script_in_cache_path ()
        $fname = explode("/",$this->self_script());
        $fname = $fname[count($fname) - 1];
        return $this->CACHE_PATH."/".$fname;

//  ************************************************************
//  Verify if cache file is updated or expired 
//  by ragen@oquerola.com

    function cache_file_is_updated() 
        // Verification of cache expiration
        // filemtime() -> return unix time of last modification in file
        // time() -> return unix time

        $fname = $this->self_script_in_cache_path();
        if (!file_exists($fname)) {
            return false;         
        $expire_time = time() - filemtime($fname);
        if ($expire_time >= $this->UPDT_TIME) {
            return false;         
        } else { 
            return true;

//  ************************************************************
//  The meat of the whole class. The magic happens here.
//  by ragen@oquerola.com

   function cache_file ( $content = "" )
       if (($this->USE_CACHE) && (!$this->cache_file_is_updated())) {
           $fname = $this->self_script_in_cache_path();

           // Tendo certeza que o arquivo existe e que há permissão de escrita primeiro.
           // if (is_writable($fname)) {
           // Opening $fname in writing only mode
           if (!$fp = fopen($fname, 'w')) {
               $this->error("Error while opening cache file ($fname)",0);

           // Writing $content to open file.
           if (!fwrite($fp, $content)) {
               $this->error("Error while writing cache file ($fname)",0);
           } else {
               require $this->self_script_in_cache_path();


           //} else {
           //   $this->error("The cache file $fname is not writable",0);
           //   return;

//  ************************************************************

    function fetch ( $template = "" )
        if (empty($template)) {
            $template = $this->LAST;

        if ( (!(isset($this->$template))) || (empty($this->$template)) ) {
            $this->error("Nothing parsed, nothing printed",0);
            return "";


//  ************************************************************

    function define_dynamic ($Macro, $ParentName)
        // A dynamic block lives inside another template file.
        // It will be stripped from the template when parsed
        // and replaced with the {$Tag}.

        $this->DYNAMIC["$Macro"] = $ParentName;
        return true;

//  ************************************************************

    function parse_dynamic ($Macro,$MacroName)
        // The file must already be in memory.

        $ParentTag = $this->DYNAMIC["$Macro"];
        if ( (!$this->$ParentTag) or (empty($this->$ParentTag)) ) {
            $fileName = $this->FILELIST[$ParentTag];
            $this->$ParentTag = $this->get_template($fileName);
            $this->LOADED[$ParentTag] = 1;

        if ($this->$ParentTag) {
            $template = $this->$ParentTag;
            $DataArray = split("\n",$template);
            $newMacro = "";
            $newParent = "";
            $outside = true;
            $start = false;
            $end = false;
            while ( list ($lineNum,$lineData) = each ($DataArray) ) {
                $lineTest = trim($lineData);

                if ("<!-- BEGIN DYNAMIC BLOCK: $Macro -->" == "$lineTest" ) {
                    $start = true;
                    $end = false;
                    $outside = false;

                if ("<!-- END DYNAMIC BLOCK: $Macro -->" == "$lineTest" ) {
                    $start = false;
                    $end = true;
                    $outside = true;

                if ( (!$outside) and (!$start) and (!$end) ) {
                    $newMacro .= "$lineData\n"; // Restore linebreaks

                if ( ($outside) and (!$start) and (!$end) ) {
                    $newParent .= "$lineData\n"; // Restore linebreaks

                if ($end) {
                    $newParent .= "{$MacroName}\n";

                // Next line please
                if ($end) { $end = false; }
                if ($start) { $start = false; }
            }   // end While

            $this->$Macro = $newMacro;
            $this->$ParentTag = $newParent;
            return true;
        } else {
            @error_log("ParentTag: [$ParentTag] not loaded!",0);
            $this->error("ParentTag: [$ParentTag] not loaded!",0);
        return false;

//  ************************************************************
//  Strips a DYNAMIC BLOCK from a template.

    function clear_dynamic ($Macro="")
        if (empty($Macro)) { return false; }

        // The file must already be in memory.
        $ParentTag = $this->DYNAMIC["$Macro"];

        if ( (!$this->$ParentTag) or (empty($this->$ParentTag)) ) {
            $fileName = $this->FILELIST[$ParentTag];
            $this->$ParentTag = $this->get_template($fileName);
            $this->LOADED[$ParentTag] = 1;

        if ($this->$ParentTag) {
            $template = $this->$ParentTag;
            $DataArray = split("\n",$template);
            $newParent = "";
            $outside = true;
            $start = false;
            $end = false;
            while ( list ($lineNum,$lineData) = each ($DataArray) ) {
                $lineTest = trim($lineData);
                if ("<!-- BEGIN DYNAMIC BLOCK: $Macro -->" == "$lineTest" ) {
                    $start = true;
                    $end = false;
                    $outside = false;

                if ("<!-- END DYNAMIC BLOCK: $Macro -->" == "$lineTest" ) {
                    $start = false;
                    $end = true;
                    $outside = true;

                if ( ($outside) and (!$start) and (!$end) ) {
                    $newParent .= "$lineData\n"; // Restore linebreaks

                // Next line please
                if ($end) { $end = false; }
                if($start) { $start = false; }
            }   // end While

            $this->$ParentTag = $newParent;
            return true;
        }   // $ParentTag NOT loaded - MAJOR oopsie
        else {
            @error_log("ParentTag: [$ParentTag] not loaded!",0);
            $this->error("ParentTag: [$ParentTag] not loaded!",0);
        return false;

//  ************************************************************

    function define ($fileList)
        while ( list ($FileTag,$FileName) = each ($fileList) ) {
            $this->FILELIST["$FileTag"] = $FileName;
        return true;

//  ************************************************************

    function clear_parse ( $ReturnVar = "")

//  ************************************************************

    function clear ( $ReturnVar = "" )
        // Clears out hash created by call to parse()

        if (!empty($ReturnVar)) {
            if ( (gettype($ReturnVar)) != "array") {
            } else {
                while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($ReturnVar) ) {

        // Empty - clear all of them
        while ( list ( $key,$val) = each ($this->HANDLE) ) {
            $KEY = $key;

    } // end clear()

//  ************************************************************

    function clear_all ()


    } // end clear_all

//  ************************************************************

    function clear_tpl ($fileHandle = "")
        if (empty($this->LOADED)) {
            // Nothing loaded, nothing to clear
            return true;

         if (empty($fileHandle)) {
             // Clear ALL fileHandles
             while ( list ($key, $val) = each ($this->LOADED) ) {

             return true;
         } else {
             if ( (gettype($fileHandle)) != "array") {
                 if ( (isset($this->$fileHandle)) || (!empty($this->$fileHandle)) ) {
                     return true;
             } else {
                 while ( list ($Key, $Val) = each ($fileHandle) ) {
                 return true;

         return false;

    } // end clear_tpl

//  ************************************************************

    function clear_define ( $FileTag = "" )
        if (empty($FileTag)) {

        if ( (gettype($Files)) != "array") {
        } else {
            while ( list ( $Tag, $Val) = each ($FileTag) ) {

//  ************************************************************
//  Aliased function - used for compatibility with CGI::FastTemplate

    function clear_parse ()

//  ************************************************************
//  Clears all variables set by assign()

    function clear_assign ()
        if (!(empty($this->PARSEVARS))) {
            while (list($Ref,$Val) = each ($this->PARSEVARS) ) {

//  ************************************************************

    function clear_href ($href)
        if (!empty($href)) {
            if ( (gettype($href)) != "array") {
            } else {
                while (list ($Ref,$val) = each ($href) ) {
        } else {
            // Empty - clear them all

//  ************************************************************

    function assign ($tpl_array, $trailer="")
        if (gettype($tpl_array) == "array") {
            while ( list ($key,$val) = each ($tpl_array) ) {
                if (!(empty($key))) {
                    // Empty values are allowed
                    // Empty Keys are NOT

                    $this->PARSEVARS["$key"] = $val;
        } else {
            // Empty values are allowed in non-array context now.
            if (!empty($tpl_array)) {
                $this->PARSEVARS["$tpl_array"] = $trailer;

//  ************************************************************
//  Return the value of an assigned variable.
//  Christian Brandel cbrandel@gmx.de

    function get_assigned($tpl_name = "")
        if (empty($tpl_name)) { return false; }
        if (isset($this->PARSEVARS["$tpl_name"])) {
            return ($this->PARSEVARS["$tpl_name"]);
        } else {
            return false;

//  ************************************************************

    function error ($errorMsg, $die = 0)
        $this->ERROR = $errorMsg;
        echo "ERROR: $this->ERROR <BR> \n";
        if ($die == 1) {


    } // end error()

//  ************************************************************

//  ************************************************************

} // End FastTemplate.class.php



Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5 comentários
Esse erro é da classe original acredite ou não....

Existe outra versão mais nova que eu lancei dessa classe http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/scripts/verScript.php?codigo=283


15/02/2004 12:54am (~20 anos atrás)

Cannot redeclare clear_parse() in FastTemplate.php on line 695

que erro é esse e como faço pra resolver? :)
09/02/2004 10:35pm (~20 anos atrás)

a disse:
eu imaginei que fosse algo do tipo mesmo ...

bem ... a um tempo atrás eu li alguns artigos aki no PHPBrasil sobre templates e la estava eu tentando escrever uma classe que gerasse blocos de templates dinâmcos ...

ela funcionou perfeitamente e até cheguei a usar em alguns pequenos sites que criava...

c acredita q sem saber eu fiz uma espécie de cache??!?!

hhAhahAHaHHAhaha .. muito legal...

gostei do seu artigo!
02/11/2003 1:45pm (~20 anos atrás)

Olá André,

A lógica de templates de uma forma bem grosseira é substituir uma string em um modelo (modelo template) por outro conteudo (geralmente um conteudo dinânico gerado pela procura de um banco de dados... etc).

Tal lógica a principio facilita alguns pontos do desenvolvimento:

1 - Separacao total do código HTML dos seus scripts PHP

2 - O Webdesigner não precisam ter acesso aos scripts PHP para testarem seu trabalho... O que evita a possibilidade de dados sigilosos vazarem por exemplo.

3 - Com a separação citada no item 1, você verá uma notavel organização em seus códigos e com isso vc também terá muito mais facilidade para dar manutenção em seus códigos.

Mas todo esse processo tem um preço... Existe um processamento extra para fazer essas "substituições de strings modelo=>código".
Então a solução mais simples é a geração de cache, ou seja, vc pega o resultado final do processo e então guarda em disco... Assim da proxima vez que alguem tentar acessar essa página cacheada a classe fará a comparacao:

Se a página foi gerada a menos de X segundos (definido pela sua configuracao), então retorna a página em disco invés de processar outra.

Com isso vc pode reduzir acessos ao banco de dados e o processamento da substituição em si.

Moral da história: A classe tenta sempre guardar uma página pré-compilada no servidor.


02/11/2003 11:06am (~20 anos atrás)

a disse:
Olá, ainda não tenho muita experiência com Templates e por isso não sei o que é cache nesse tipo de aplicação: será que poderiam me explicar?
02/11/2003 7:53am (~20 anos atrás)

Novo Comentário:

(Você pode usar tags como <b>, <i> ou <code>. URLs serão convertidas para links automaticamente.)